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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pidof. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "pidof" command line tool is a utility used in Unix-like operating systems to find the Process ID (PID) of a given program. It allows users to easily determine the PID of a running process, which is essential for troubleshooting and managing running programs.

The "pidof" command works by searching through the process table and identifying the PIDs of processes that match the provided program name. It returns the PIDs as output, which can be used for various purposes like killing a specific program or monitoring its resource usage.

The tool is often used in scripts and command line operations to automate tasks or perform actions based on specific running processes. By combining "pidof" with other commands, users can create powerful scripts to handle process management efficiently.

Users can pass additional optional parameters, such as "-s" to search for processes belonging to a specific session, or "-c" to count the number of matching processes instead of displaying the PIDs. These options provide flexibility in how processes are identified and controlled.

The "pidof" command is a convenient alternative to more complex process management tools like "ps" or "top" since it performs a simple task without displaying extensive details. It is a lightweight and efficient tool that helps users interact with running processes quickly and effortlessly.

Overall, "pidof" enables users to identify the Process ID of a running program, making it a valuable command line tool for process management and automation in Unix-like systems.

List of commands for pidof:

  • pidof:tldr:6180e pidof: List all process IDs with given name.
    $ pidof ${bash}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • pidof:tldr:8a6ac pidof: List a single process ID with given name.
    $ pidof -s ${bash}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • pidof:tldr:b999e pidof: List process IDs including scripts with given name.
    $ pidof -x ${script-py}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview