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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pidstat. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Pidstat is a command line tool used to monitor and analyze the resource utilization of processes on a Linux system. With pidstat, users can obtain detailed statistics about the CPU, memory, I/O, and thread activity of specific processes. It is part of the sysstat package, which also includes other performance monitoring tools. Pidstat can be executed by specifying the process ID (PID) for which the statistics are desired or by providing an interval to collect data for all running processes. It provides real-time updates, allowing users to monitor process behavior and performance dynamically. The collected data can be displayed in either a summary or detailed format, enabling users to identify resource bottlenecks and potential performance issues. Additionally, pidstat supports both interactive and batch mode, adding flexibility for various monitoring scenarios.

List of commands for pidstat:

  • pidstat:tldr:41210 pidstat: Show page faults and memory utilization.
    $ pidstat -r
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  • pidstat:tldr:6980b pidstat: Show CPU statistics at a 2 second interval for 10 times.
    $ pidstat ${2} ${10}
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  • pidstat:tldr:6a64f pidstat: Show memory statistics for all processes whose command name include "fox" or "bird".
    $ pidstat -C "${select}" -r -p ALL
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  • pidstat:tldr:82581 pidstat: Show input/output usage per process id.
    $ pidstat -d
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  • pidstat:tldr:e3a84 pidstat: Show information on a specific PID.
    $ pidstat -p ${PID}
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