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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pip3. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Pip3 is a command-line tool used for installing and managing Python packages. It is the package installer for Python 3.x versions, while pip is used for Python 2.x versions. Pip3 is pre-installed with Python 3 and comes with the Python distribution, so you don't need to separately install it. With pip3, you can easily search, install, upgrade, and remove packages from the Python Package Index (PyPI). It allows you to install packages globally or within a specific user environment. Pip3 resolves dependencies and automatically installs the required dependencies for a package to work correctly. You can use pip3 to install packages from various sources like PyPI, version control systems, local archives, etc. It provides a way to freeze the installed package list into a requirements.txt file, allowing you to easily recreate the same environment on another system. Pip3 also supports virtual environments, which help in isolating and managing different Python project environments. Overall, pip3 simplifies the process of package management in Python by providing a user-friendly, efficient, and reliable way to handle packages and their dependencies.

List of commands for pip3:

  • pip3:tldr:20853 pip3: Install a specific version of a package.
    $ pip3 install ${package_name}==${package_version}
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  • pip3:tldr:2a6ad pip3: Upgrade a package.
    $ pip3 install --upgrade ${package_name}
    try on your machine
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  • pip3:tldr:41c4b pip3: Show installed package info.
    $ pip3 show ${package_name}
    try on your machine
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  • pip3:tldr:6e371 pip3: Install a package.
    $ pip3 install ${package_name}
    try on your machine
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  • pip3:tldr:ae452 pip3: Find available packages.
    $ pip3 search ${package_name}
    try on your machine
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  • pip3:tldr:c06aa pip3: Uninstall a package.
    $ pip3 uninstall ${package_name}
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  • pip3:tldr:da2f3 pip3: Install packages from a file.
    $ pip3 install --requirement ${requirements-txt}
    try on your machine
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  • pip3:tldr:f279e pip3: Save the list of installed packages to a file.
    $ pip3 freeze > ${requirements-txt}
    try on your machine
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