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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pipx. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Pipx is a command line tool used for installing and running Python CLI applications in isolated environments. It is built on top of pip, the Python package installer, and provides additional functionalities.

With pipx, you can install Python packages globally or in separate virtual environments, preventing conflicts between different project dependencies. This isolation helps ensure the stability of your Python installation and avoids potential version conflicts.

One of the key features of pipx is the ability to run any package installed with it as a standalone executable. This means you can easily execute any Python command line application without activating a virtual environment or having to specify the package name in the command.

Pipx also allows you to uninstall and upgrade packages effortlessly, keeping your environment clean and up to date.

Another useful feature of pipx is its ability to create virtual environments for packages that don't offer their own environments. This helps maintain separation between packages and avoids polluting your global Python installation.

In addition, pipx provides functionality to list installed packages, show package metadata, and run package-specific commands, enhancing package management capabilities.

Pipx uses symbolic links to make the installed packages accessible from anywhere in your system, reducing the hassle of managing various paths and locations for different packages.

Furthermore, pipx supports the ability to specify the Python version to use when installing packages, giving you flexibility in managing different Python installations on your system.

Overall, pipx simplifies the installation, execution, and management of Python CLI applications, providing a user-friendly command line interface for handling Python packages in isolation.

List of commands for pipx:

  • pipx:tldr:38842 pipx: Run an app in a temporary virtual environment.
    $ pipx run ${pycowsay} ${moo}
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  • pipx:tldr:7b273 pipx: Run an app in a temporary virtual environment with a package name different from the executable.
    $ pipx run --spec ${httpx-cli} ${httpx} ${http:--www-github-com}
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  • pipx:tldr:80569 pipx: Install a package in a virtual environment with pip arguments.
    $ pipx install --pip-args='${pip-args}' ${package}
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  • pipx:tldr:853c5 pipx: Inject dependencies into an existing virtual environment.
    $ pipx inject ${package} ${dependency1 dependency2 ---}
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  • pipx:tldr:89f36 pipx: Install a package in a virtual environment and add entry points to path.
    $ pipx install ${package}
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  • pipx:tldr:9781b pipx: List installed packages.
    $ pipx list
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