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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pkg-config. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


pkg-config is a command line tool used to help manage compilation and linking of software programs in Unix-like operating systems. It provides a convenient way to retrieve information about installed libraries on a system. By using pkg-config, developers can easily determine the required compiler flags and linker options necessary to successfully build and link their software with a specific library.

The tool uses a set of configuration files called ".pc files" to store information about installed packages. These files contain metadata such as the library name, version number, and the required flags for compilation and linking. When invoked with the appropriate parameters, pkg-config reads these files and extracts the necessary information.

Pkg-config is often used during the build process of software projects. It can be integrated into build systems like Makefiles or build scripts to automatically retrieve the required package information. This simplifies the process of building software that depends on external libraries, as developers do not need to manually specify the compilation and linking flags.

Additionally, pkg-config supports querying installed packages, displaying their version numbers, listing the directories containing their header files, and more. It allows developers to programmatically retrieve information about installed packages, enabling them to make decisions or perform actions based on the presence or absence of specific libraries.

Pkg-config is widely used in the Unix-like ecosystem, including Linux distributions. It is a standard tool that greatly aids developers in managing the complexities of building software with dependencies. By providing a consistent and centralized approach to library configuration, pkg-config helps ensure the successful compilation and linking of software projects.

List of commands for pkg-config:

  • pkg-config:tldr:459a5 pkg-config: Get the list of libraries, their dependencies, and proper cflags for gcc.
    $ pkg-config --cflags --libs ${library1 library2 ---}
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  • pkg-config:tldr:5a2d5 pkg-config: Get the list of libraries and their dependencies.
    $ pkg-config --libs ${library1 library2 ---}
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