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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pkgutil. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


pkgutil is a command line tool available in macOS that serves as a package management utility. It allows users to interact with the installer database, manage software packages, and perform various operations related to package management.

With pkgutil, you can list installed packages, retrieve information about specific packages, and search for packages by name, identifier, or files they contain. It provides functionality to extract files from packages, list package contents, or verify package signatures.

Additionally, pkgutil enables users to install or uninstall packages, providing a simple way to add or remove software components from the operating system. It also supports authentication and can prompt for administrator privileges when necessary.

The tool offers handy options like displaying progress information during package operations, displaying more verbose output, or specifying locations for package operations. Overall, pkgutil facilitates managing packages in macOS through an intuitive command line interface.

List of commands for pkgutil:

  • pkgutil:tldr:01760 pkgutil: Verify cryptographic signatures of a package file.
    $ pkgutil --check-signature ${filenamename-pkg}
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  • pkgutil:tldr:04233 pkgutil: List all the files for an installed package given its ID.
    $ pkgutil --files ${com-microsoft-Word}
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  • pkgutil:tldr:22ae1 pkgutil: Extract the contents of a package file into a directory.
    $ pkgutil --expand-full ${filenamename-pkg} ${path-to-directory}
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  • pkgutil:tldr:43fb6 pkgutil: List package IDs for all installed packages.
    $ pkgutil --pkgs
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