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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pngcheck. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


  1. pngcheck is a command-line tool used for checking the integrity and validity of PNG image files.
  2. It is developed by a company called Archeopteryx Software and is available for various operating systems.
  3. pngcheck analyzes the internal structure of PNG files and reports any errors, inconsistencies, or potential issues.
  4. It can identify common problems in PNG files such as incorrect chunk order, missing or incorrect signatures, or improper color type usage.
  5. The tool also checks for adherence to PNG specification standards and can detect issues like unsupported features or non-conforming compression methods.
  6. pngcheck provides detailed information about each problem it encounters, including the specific chunk or segment where the error occurs.
  7. In addition to error detection, it can extract various image properties such as image dimensions, bit depth, color type, and file size.
  8. The tool supports batch processing, allowing users to check multiple PNG files at once, making it useful for large-scale quality control or automated tasks.
  9. pngcheck has a simple command-line interface that accepts options and arguments, making it easy to integrate into scripts or workflows.
  10. Overall, pngcheck is a valuable utility for developers, designers, and anyone working with PNG images to ensure their files are valid, error-free, and compliant with PNG standards.

List of commands for pngcheck:

  • pngcheck:tldr:1d583 pngcheck: Print a summary for an image (width, height, and color depth).
    $ pngcheck ${image-png}
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  • pngcheck:tldr:353a1 pngcheck: [s]earch for PNGs within a specific file and display information about them.
    $ pngcheck -s ${image-png}
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  • pngcheck:tldr:68a6c pngcheck: Display contents of [t]ext chunks and [s]earch for PNGs within a specific file.
    $ pngcheck -ts ${filename-png}
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  • pngcheck:tldr:7912e pngcheck: Print information for an image with [c]olorized output.
    $ pngcheck -c ${image-png}
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  • pngcheck:tldr:a6016 pngcheck: Print [v]erbose information for an image.
    $ pngcheck -cvt ${image-png}
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  • pngcheck:tldr:d55b6 pngcheck: Check the file with [v]erbose and [c]olorized output.
    $ pngcheck -vc ${filename-png}
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  • pngcheck:tldr:e11f6 pngcheck: Search for PNGs within another file and e[x]tract them.
    $ pngcheck -x ${image-png}
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tool overview