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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pnpm. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Fast, disk space efficient package manager

List of commands for pnpm:

  • pnpm:packages:remove Uninstall a package and remove it from the list of dependencies in `package.json`.
    $ pnpm remove ${module_name}
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  • pnpm:tldr:05d57 pnpm: Download a package and install it [g]lobally.
    $ pnpm add -g ${module_name}
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  • pnpm:tldr:5d549 pnpm: Download a package and add it to the list of [D]ev dependencies in `package.json`.
    $ pnpm add -D ${module_name}
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  • pnpm:tldr:7eae3 pnpm: Download all the packages listed as dependencies in `package.json`.
    $ pnpm install
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  • pnpm:tldr:95a6d pnpm: Print a tree of locally installed modules.
    $ pnpm list
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  • pnpm:tldr:9643a pnpm: List top-level [g]lobally installed modules.
    $ pnpm list -g --depth=${0}
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  • pnpm:tldr:f9ff0 pnpm: Create a `package.json` file.
    $ pnpm init
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  • pnpm:tldr:fd030 pnpm: Download a specific version of a package and add it to the list of dependencies in `package.json`.
    $ pnpm add ${module_name}@${version}
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  • vite:tldr:8a154 vite: Setup using `pnpm`.
    $ pnpm create vite my-react-app --template react-ts
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