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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool po4a-gettextize. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "po4a-gettextize" is a command line tool used for localizing and translating documentation files. It is part of the po4a project, which stands for "PO for Anything," and is aimed at making it easier to translate various types of documentation formats.

When run, the "po4a-gettextize" tool extracts translatable strings from different file formats, such as plain text, HTML, LaTeX, man pages, and more. It converts these strings into the Gettext Portable Object (PO) format, which is commonly used for translation purposes.

One of the main advantages of using "po4a-gettextize" is that it provides a consistent and standardized way to handle translations across multiple documentation formats. It automates the extraction process, saving translators time and effort.

The tool supports various configuration options, allowing users to customize the behavior to suit their needs. It can handle file headers, encodings, comments, and more. The extracted strings can then be translated using popular translation software like POEdit or directly through the command line using tools like "msgmerge" and "msgfmt."

Overall, "po4a-gettextize" is a powerful tool for developers and translators who need to localize their documentation files, ensuring that the documentation can be easily translated into different languages.

List of commands for po4a-gettextize:

  • po4a-gettextize:tldr:0a93f po4a-gettextize: Convert a text file to PO file.
    $ po4a-gettextize --format ${text} --master ${path-to-master-txt} --po ${path-to-result-po}
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  • po4a-gettextize:tldr:5043e po4a-gettextize: Get a list of available formats.
    $ po4a-gettextize --help-format
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  • po4a-gettextize:tldr:5b1ca po4a-gettextize: Convert a text file along with a translated document to a PO file (`-l` option can be provided multiple times).
    $ po4a-gettextize --format ${text} --master ${path-to-master-txt} --localized ${path-to-translated-txt} --po ${path-to-result-po}
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