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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool po4a-updatepo. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "po4a-updatepo" is a command line tool that is part of the "po4a" project. It is used for updating or creating localization (PO) files for software translation. The name "po4a" stands for "PO (gettext) for anything" and it is designed to handle different document formats, including text, HTML, LaTeX, man pages, and more.

The "po4a-updatepo" command is specifically used to extract translatable strings from a document and update the associated PO file. It works by scanning the document for special markers or gettext calls that indicate translatable strings, and then updates the PO file with any new or modified strings found.

The tool supports various options and parameters to customize its behavior, such as specifying the source and target file paths, the output format of the PO file, and handling of existing translations. It can also handle multiple source files or directories at once, making it convenient for large projects with multiple documents.

The "po4a-updatepo" command is typically integrated into the localization workflow of software projects. It simplifies the process of updating translation files, ensuring that they are always synchronized with the latest version of the document, thereby enabling efficient and accurate software localization.

List of commands for po4a-updatepo:

  • po4a-updatepo:tldr:5b739 po4a-updatepo: Get a list of available formats.
    $ po4a-updatepo --help-format
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  • po4a-updatepo:tldr:a6b34 po4a-updatepo: Update several PO files according to the modification of their origin file.
    $ po4a-updatepo --format ${text} --master ${path-to-master-txt} --po ${path-to-po1-po} --po ${path-to-po2-po}
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  • po4a-updatepo:tldr:eff03 po4a-updatepo: Update a PO file according to the modification of its origin file.
    $ po4a-updatepo --format ${text} --master ${path-to-master-txt} --po ${path-to-result-po}
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