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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool postcss. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


PostCSS is a powerful command line tool used for transforming stylesheets. It is written in JavaScript and takes advantage of the Node.js runtime environment. The tool is highly flexible and can be extended by using various plugins. It follows a modular architecture, allowing developers to chain multiple plugins together to achieve desired transformations. PostCSS supports a wide range of transformations, such as autoprefixing CSS rules, generating vendor prefixes, compressing CSS, and more. It focuses on performance and optimization, making it a popular choice among developers. As a command line tool, PostCSS can be easily integrated into build workflows, such as during the deployment process or in task runners like Gulp or Grunt. It has a simple and intuitive command line interface, allowing users to specify input and output files, choose plugins, and configure options. PostCSS supports various CSS syntaxes, including traditional CSS, SCSS, and Less. It has a large and active community, constantly developing new plugins and providing support to users.

List of commands for postcss:

  • postcss:tldr:53642 postcss: Specify a custom PostCSS parser.
    $ postcss ${filename} --parser ${parser}
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  • postcss:tldr:81756 postcss: Parse and transform a CSS file and output to a specific file.
    $ postcss ${filename} --output ${filename}
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  • postcss:tldr:8297d postcss: Parse and transform a CSS file.
    $ postcss ${filename}
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  • postcss:tldr:9835c postcss: Watch for changes to a CSS file.
    $ postcss ${filename} --watch
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  • postcss:tldr:9eba4 postcss: Specify a custom PostCSS syntax.
    $ postcss ${filename} --syntax ${syntax}
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  • postcss:tldr:bf8a6 postcss: Display available options and examples.
    $ postcss --help
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  • postcss:tldr:e8d14 postcss: Parse and transform a CSS file and output to a specific directory.
    $ postcss ${filename} --dir ${path-to-directory}
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  • postcss:tldr:eb7eb postcss: Parse and transform a CSS file in-place.
    $ postcss ${filename} --replace
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