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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pppd. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


pppd is a command-line tool in Unix-like operating systems, standing for "Point-to-Point Protocol Daemon." It is typically utilized for establishing and maintaining Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connections over serial ports or network interfaces.

  1. pppd is commonly used for dial-up internet connections, enabling users to connect to their Internet Service Provider (ISP) via a modem or another appropriate device.
  2. It handles the negotiation and management of the PPP link between the client and the server, providing authentication and network protocol configuration.
  3. pppd is highly configurable, offering various options to customize the establishment, maintenance, and termination of PPP connections.
  4. It supports different authentication methods, including PAP (Password Authentication Protocol) and CHAP (Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol).
  5. pppd allows dynamic IP address allocation, providing the client with an IP address from the server's pool.
  6. It provides options for configuring DNS (Domain Name System) servers, allowing the client to resolve domain names.
  7. pppd can compress data transmission over the PPP link, enhancing overall network performance.
  8. It supports error detection and correction for reliable data transmission, utilizing protocols like MPPE (Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption) and CCP (Compression Control Protocol).
  9. pppd facilitates the creation of VPN (Virtual Private Network) connections, allowing secure communication over the internet.
  10. It offers logging and debugging features to assist in troubleshooting PPP connection issues.

List of commands for pppd:

tool overview