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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool prctl. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Prctl is a command line tool commonly used in Unix-like operating systems. It stands for "process control" and is primarily used for managing and monitoring processes. The tool allows users to view and modify various process attributes, such as resource limits, scheduling priority, and signal handling. Prctl also provides the ability to assign and manage process privileges, such as file system permissions. It is particularly useful for system administrators and developers who need to configure and troubleshoot processes. Prctl can be used to gather information about processes running on the system, including their process IDs (PIDs), CPU usage, and memory consumption. Additionally, it can be used to set limits on system resources to prevent processes from consuming excessive memory, CPU, or other resources.

List of commands for prctl:

  • prctl:tldr:3cfdb prctl: Examine process limits and permissions.
    $ prctl ${pid}
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  • prctl:tldr:ba13b prctl: Get specific limit for a running process.
    $ prctl -n process.max-file-descriptor ${pid}
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tool overview