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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pridecat. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Pridecat is a command line tool that celebrates diversity and inclusivity through the display of colorful animal ASCII art. It was inspired by the well-known "cat" command, which displays the contents of a file on the terminal. However, instead of displaying plain text, Pridecat generates vibrant animal art with rainbow color schemes. It includes various ASCII animals, such as cats, dogs, birds, and more, allowing users to choose their favorite representation. By running the "pridecat" command followed by the animal name, users can enjoy a visually pleasing and prideful display. Pridecat promotes LGBTQ+ pride, individuality, and joy, letting users embrace diversity in a fun and creative way.

List of commands for pridecat:

  • pridecat:tldr:715c8 pridecat: Print contents of a file with the background colors changed.
    $ pridecat ${filename} -b
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  • pridecat:tldr:bd27f pridecat: Alternate between lesbian and bisexual pride flags.
    $ pridecat ${filename} --lesbian --bi
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  • pridecat:tldr:c484f pridecat: Print the contents of a file in pride colors to the standard output.
    $ pridecat ${filename}
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  • pridecat:tldr:d0e16 pridecat: Print contents of a file in trans colors.
    $ pridecat ${filename} --${select}
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tool overview