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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool psgrep. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


PSGrep is a command line tool that is commonly used in Unix-like operating systems to search and display running processes based on specific criteria. The name "PSGrep" is derived from two different commands: "ps" which stands for "process status" and "grep" which is used for pattern matching in Unix systems. PSGrep allows users to filter process information by using regular expressions patterns, making it a powerful tool for quickly finding and monitoring specific processes. This command line tool provides various options to customize the search criteria such as process name, process ID, parent process ID, user, and more. It can display various information about the processes, including the process ID, CPU usage, memory consumption, and command arguments. PSGrep also provides the ability to sort the displayed processes based on different attributes such as CPU usage or memory usage. The output of PSGrep can be piped to other commands or saved into a text file for further analysis or processing. Using PSGrep, system administrators can efficiently track down problematic processes, identify resource-intensive applications, and manage system performance. It is often used in shell scripts or automation tasks to perform specific actions on processes that meet certain criteria. Overall, PSGrep is a versatile and efficient tool for managing and analyzing running processes in Unix-like operating systems.

List of commands for psgrep:

  • psgrep:tldr:42273 psgrep: Search using a simplified format (PID, user, command).
    $ psgrep -s ${process_name}
    try on your machine
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  • psgrep:tldr:c1f87 psgrep: Find process lines containing a specific string, excluding headers.
    $ psgrep -n ${process_name}
    try on your machine
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  • psgrep:tldr:ede4c psgrep: Find process lines containing a specific string.
    $ psgrep ${process_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview