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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ptx. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


ptx is a command line tool available in UNIX-like operating systems that displays the contents of a given input file in an organized and formatted manner. It is particularly useful for viewing the contents of binary files, especially those containing program executables or compiled object code. ptx operates by analyzing the structure of the input file and presenting the extracted information in a table-like format. The tool can display various details about each symbol, such as its name, type, and position within the file. ptx can also perform powerful analysis on symbol tables, enabling users to browse the code’s structure and understand its components. Additionally, it supports various options, allowing for customized output and specific symbol filtering.

List of commands for ptx:

  • ptx:tldr:2d35e ptx: Generate a permuted index where the first field of each line is an index reference.
    $ ptx --references ${filename}
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  • ptx:tldr:4d30f ptx: Generate a permuted index with automatically generated index references.
    $ ptx --auto-reference ${filename}
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  • ptx:tldr:94f54 ptx: Generate a permuted index with SYSV-style behaviors.
    $ ptx --traditional ${filename}
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  • ptx:tldr:ca5e2 ptx: Generate a permuted index with a fixed width.
    $ ptx --width=${width_in_columns} ${filename}
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  • ptx:tldr:ccabd ptx: Generate a permuted index with a list of filtered words.
    $ ptx --only-file=${path-to-filter} ${filename}
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tool overview