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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pvcreate. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "pvcreate" command is a command line tool used in Linux systems to initialize physical volumes (disks or partitions) for use in the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) system. It is used to prepare block devices, such as hard disks or SSDs, for use as physical volumes in a logical volume group.

When executed with the "pvcreate" command, the tool sets up a disk or partition for LVM configuration by writing metadata to the disk. This metadata identifies the physical volume, its size, and other attributes. The command also clears any existing data on the disk or partition.

The "pvcreate" command can be used with different options to configure physical volumes according to specific requirements. For example, the "-y" option allows the command to proceed without user confirmation, while the "-ff" option allows overwriting existing metadata.

The command also provides information about the physical volumes created, such as the number of physical extents and the total size. This information is important when creating and managing logical volumes in the LVM system.

Overall, the "pvcreate" command is a fundamental tool in setting up disks or partitions as physical volumes within the LVM system, providing the foundation for logical volume management.

List of commands for pvcreate:

  • pvcreate:tldr:18e3f pvcreate: Initialize the `/dev/sda1` volume for use by LVM.
    $ pvcreate ${-dev-sda1}
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  • pvcreate:tldr:1c3f7 pvcreate: Force the creation without any confirmation prompts.
    $ pvcreate --force ${-dev-sda1}
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