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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pvdisplay. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The pvdisplay command is a command-line tool used in Unix-like operating systems to display information about physical volume (PV) attributes in LVM (Logical Volume Manager). It provides a detailed overview of the physical volumes configured on a system.

When executed, pvdisplay lists the PV name, PV size, allocation, and other properties such as physical extents, metadata areas, and volume group associations. The output includes information about the physical volume identified by its device path or UUID.

Additionally, pvdisplay can show whether a PV is associated with a volume group and, if so, the volume group's name and ID. It may also indicate if the PV is part of an LVM cache pool or used for thin provisioning.

The command can be useful for checking the status and health of physical volumes, identifying available storage, and troubleshooting LVM-related issues. By combining pvdisplay with other LVM commands, administrators can efficiently manage their storage infrastructure.

List of commands for pvdisplay:

  • pvdisplay:tldr:15903 pvdisplay: Display information about all physical volumes.
    $ sudo pvdisplay
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  • pvdisplay:tldr:4834d pvdisplay: Display information about the physical volume on drive `/dev/sdXY`.
    $ sudo pvdisplay ${-dev-sdXY}
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