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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pw-link. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The pw-link command line tool is a utility used for password management and generation. It helps in creating and managing secure passwords for different accounts and services. The tool provides a user-friendly interface for generating strong and unique passwords. It can also store the passwords securely and retrieve them when needed. The pw-link tool has options to specify password length, character types, and other parameters for generating customized passwords. It supports encryption of the stored passwords to ensure their confidentiality. The tool is often used by individuals and organizations to enhance their password security and simplify password management tasks.

List of commands for pw-link:

  • pw-link:tldr:32ce5 pw-link: Disconnect two ports.
    $ pw-link --disconnect ${output_port_name} ${input_port_name}
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  • pw-link:tldr:a70fa pw-link: Create a link between an output and an input port.
    $ pw-link ${output_port_name} ${input_port_name}
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  • pw-link:tldr:b6382 pw-link: Display help.
    $ pw-link -h
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  • pw-link:tldr:f0796 pw-link: List all audio output and input ports.
    $ pw-link --output --input
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tool overview