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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pwdx. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The pwdx command line tool is used to display the current working directory of a specific process. It is primarily designed for Unix-like operating systems.

When executed with a process ID (PID) as an argument, pwdx retrieves and displays the current working directory of the process associated with that PID. This can be helpful when trying to track down the location of a specific process running on a system.

The output of pwdx consists of two columns: the first column displays the PID of the process, and the second column shows the corresponding current working directory. This makes it easier to identify which process belongs to which directory.

One useful application of pwdx is troubleshooting. By examining the working directory of a process, you can gain insights into its behavior or identify if it is accessing files in unintended locations. This can be beneficial for resolving issues or securing system resources.

It's important to note that pwdx requires root or superuser privileges to examine the working directory of processes that belong to other users. Without sufficient privileges, the tool may not produce any results.

Overall, pwdx is a straightforward and handy command line tool for obtaining the current working directory of a specific process, making it useful for various administrative or diagnostic tasks.

List of commands for pwdx:

  • pwdx:tldr:739da pwdx: Print current working directory of a process.
    $ pwdx ${process_id}
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