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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pyflakes. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Pyflakes is a command line tool used for static analysis of Python code. It helps identify common coding errors and potential bugs in Python programs.

The primary purpose of pyflakes is to check for syntax errors and detect simple and obvious mistakes in the code. It analyzes the source code without executing it.

It can detect errors such as undefined names, unused imports, unused variables, and other issues that may lead to runtime errors. These checks are performed without importing any modules referenced in the code, making it lightweight and fast.

Pyflakes does not perform complex checks like type inference or code style enforcement. Its focus is on identifying basic errors for small to medium-sized projects.

It is built on the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) module of Python, which enables it to analyze the code structure and report errors accurately.

The output of pyflakes includes the line number, message, and code snippet for each identified error, making it easy to locate and fix the issues.

It can be integrated into various development environments, build systems, and continuous integration tools, helping to catch errors early in the development process.

Pyflakes supports both Python 2.x and 3.x versions, making it compatible with a wide range of Python projects.

It is an open-source tool and is actively maintained by the Python community, ensuring regular updates and bug fixes.

Overall, pyflakes is a helpful tool for developers, ensuring code quality and reducing the chances of introducing common errors and bugs in Python programs.

List of commands for pyflakes:

  • pyflakes:tldr:02bce pyflakes: Check Python files in a specific directory.
    $ pyflakes checkPath ${path-to-directory}
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  • pyflakes:tldr:356da pyflakes: Check Python files in a directory recursively.
    $ pyflakes checkRecursive ${path-to-directory}
    try on your machine
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  • pyflakes:tldr:40134 pyflakes: Check a single Python file.
    $ pyflakes check ${filename}.py
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  • pyflakes:tldr:c73c7 pyflakes: Check all Python files found in multiple directories.
    $ pyflakes iterSourceCode ${path-to-directory_1} ${path-to-directory_2}
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