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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool pyinfra. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Pyinfra is a popular open-source Python-based command line tool used for automating infrastructure deployment and configuration management. It can execute tasks on multiple remote servers simultaneously, making it ideal for managing large-scale infrastructures.

With Pyinfra, you can define infrastructure as code using Python scripts, which makes it easy to version, share, and reuse configurations. It follows a declarative approach, allowing you to specify desired states and configurations rather than writing low-level procedural scripts.

Pyinfra seamlessly integrates with popular configuration management tools like Ansible and SaltStack, enabling you to combine their capabilities and leverage existing toolsets. It also supports various remote connection methods, including SSH and local execution, providing flexibility in connecting to target servers.

One of the key features of Pyinfra is its ability to perform operations idempotently. This means that it only applies changes or performs tasks if they are required or have not been previously applied, ensuring consistent and repeatable deployments.

Pyinfra has a robust plugin ecosystem, allowing you to extend its functionality and integrate it with other tools or systems. You can create custom modules and execute them alongside built-in tasks.

The command line interface of Pyinfra offers granular control over operations, allowing you to target specific groups of servers, run specific tasks, or specify different configurations for each server.

Pyinfra provides detailed log output during execution, making it easy to track and troubleshoot any issues. It also supports dry-run mode, which allows you to simulate operations without making any changes, ensuring a safe testing environment.

The tool is actively maintained and has a vibrant community of contributors, ensuring frequent updates, bug fixes, and improvements. It is available under the MIT license, allowing its usage in both commercial and non-commercial projects.

Pyinfra provides extensive documentation, tutorials, and examples, helping users get started quickly and understand its various features and capabilities. It also offers support for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems, making it versatile and accessible across different platforms. Overall, Pyinfra is a powerful and flexible command line tool for automating infrastructure management, enhancing efficiency, and improving productivity.

List of commands for pyinfra:

  • pyinfra:tldr:1d34b pyinfra: Execute commands on locally.
    $ pyinfra @local ${path-to-deploy-py}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • pyinfra:tldr:4456e pyinfra: Execute commands over Docker.
    $ pyinfra @docker/${container} ${path-to-deploy-py}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • pyinfra:tldr:68b60 pyinfra: Execute contents of a deploy file on a list of targets.
    $ pyinfra ${path-to-target_list-py} ${path-to-deploy-py}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview