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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool qpdf. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


QPDF is a command line tool that stands for "Quick PDF." It is a software utility designed for manipulating PDF files. It provides a wide range of features and capabilities for working with PDF documents.

One of its primary functions is to convert PDF files to different formats like PostScript or PDF/A. It can also extract various components of PDF files such as images, fonts, and metadata.

QPDF allows users to merge multiple PDF files into one, split a single PDF into multiple files, or rearrange pages within a PDF. It supports both linearization (web optimization) and encryption of PDF files.

It enables users to add or remove digital signatures, update or remove document permissions, and even repair damaged PDF files.

QPDF is highly configurable and offers precise control over numerous aspects of PDF manipulation, including compression settings, font management, and error handling.

To ensure the security and authenticity of PDF files, QPDF supports password-based encryption, digital certificates, and signature validation.

The tool is multi-platform and can be used on major operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux. It is open-source and has an active community of developers making continuous improvements and enhancements.

QPDF is widely used in various industries where PDF manipulation or conversion is required, such as e-publishing, document management, and digital forensics.

It provides detailed documentation and extensive command-line options, making it a powerful tool for both basic and advanced PDF manipulation tasks.

List of commands for qpdf:

  • qpdf:tldr:3915c qpdf: Write each group of n pages to a separate output file with a given filename pattern.
    $ qpdf --split-pages=n ${input-pdf} ${out_%d-pdf}
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  • qpdf:tldr:4a27d qpdf: Rotate certain pages of a PDF with a given angle.
    $ qpdf --rotate=${90:2,4,6} --rotate=${180:7-8} ${input-pdf} ${output-pdf}
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  • qpdf:tldr:a865f qpdf: Remove the password from a password-protected file.
    $ qpdf --password=${password} --decrypt ${input-pdf} ${output-pdf}
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