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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool qsub. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


qsub is a command line tool that stands for "queue submit" and is used in job scheduling systems. It is primarily used in High-Performance Computing (HPC) environments. With qsub, users can submit and manage batch jobs to the job scheduler. It allows users to specify job parameters such as resource requirements, runtime limits, and the actual command to be executed. qsub provides features for job dependencies, job arrays, and job prioritization, enabling users to schedule and manage complex workflows. It also allows users to monitor and control the status of their submitted jobs, providing information about job ID, start time, queue placement, resource utilization, and job output. Overall, qsub streamlines the process of submitting and managing batch jobs in large-scale computing environments and facilitates the efficient use of computing resources.

List of commands for qsub:

  • qsub:tldr:2ba93 qsub: Submit a script that is executed on 2 nodes using 4 cores per node.
    $ qsub -l nodes=${2}:ppn=${4} ${script-sh}
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  • qsub:tldr:79d6d qsub: Submit a script to a specific queue. Note that different queues can have different maximum and minimum runtime limits.
    $ qsub -q ${queue_name} ${script-sh}
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  • qsub:tldr:ea9ca qsub: Submit a script with default settings (depends on TORQUE settings).
    $ qsub ${script-sh}
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  • qsub:tldr:edff9 qsub: Submit a script with a specified wallclock runtime limit of 1 hour, 2 minutes and 3 seconds.
    $ qsub -l walltime=${1}:${2}:${3} ${script-sh}
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tool overview