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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool qtile. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Qtile is a command line window manager for X11 written and configured in Python. It is lightweight, highly customizable, and designed to be extensible through the use of Python scripts. The primary goal of Qtile is to provide a minimalistic and efficient user interface for managing windows and organizing workspaces.

Qtile follows a tiling window management approach, where windows are automatically arranged to fill the available screen space without overlapping. It supports different layouts, including stacking, max, and floating, and users can switch between them easily. Each workspace in Qtile can have its own custom layout, allowing for a tailored experience suited to specific tasks.

The configuration of Qtile is done entirely through Python scripts, providing immense flexibility and customization options. Users can modify various aspects of the window manager, such as keybindings, appearance, and functionality, by simply editing the configuration file. This allows for creating a personalized and efficient workflow.

Qtile supports multi-monitor setups, with each monitor having its own set of workspaces. It also integrates well with system utilities and tools, such as dmenu for launching applications and Xrandr for managing display outputs. Despite being a command line tool, Qtile offers a status bar that can display information and widgets, providing a quick glance at important system details.

Overall, Qtile is a powerful and lightweight window manager that offers a seamless and efficient workflow ideal for minimalistic and highly customizable environments.

List of commands for qtile:

  • qtile:tldr:1657a qtile: Start the window manager, if it is not running already (should ideally be run from `.xsession` or similar).
    $ qtile start
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  • qtile:tldr:6c8ea qtile: Show current resource usage information.
    $ qtile top --force
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  • qtile:tldr:992b1 qtile: Open the program `xterm` as a floating window on the group named `test-group`.
    $ qtile run-cmd --group ${test-group} --float ${xterm}
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  • qtile:tldr:aa01b qtile: Restart the window manager.
    $ qtile cmd-obj --object cmd --function restart
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  • qtile:tldr:f7fce qtile: Check the configuration file for any compilation errors (default location is `~/.config/qtile/`).
    $ qtile check
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