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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool quarto. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Quarto is a command line tool used for creating and manipulating notebooks, documents, and websites in various formats such as Markdown, HTML, LaTeX, Jupyter, and more. It enables users to write content in a flexible and scalable manner while also facilitating collaboration and version control.

With Quarto, you can generate publications directly from notebooks, allowing for seamless integration of code, text, and output. Its unique design enables users to create documents that are easily reproducible and customizable.

Quarto supports the use of multiple programming languages including R, Python, Julia, and more, making it suitable for a wide range of computational tasks and data analysis projects.

The tool provides a range of features for content manipulation, such as the ability to include and execute code chunks, customize code syntax highlighting, control output options, and create rich interactive content.

Quarto supports automatic cross-referencing and citation management, making it ideal for creating research papers, documentation, and technical reports.

It offers a responsive web-based previewing system, allowing users to real-time preview their documents and websites as they make changes, providing immediate feedback on the final look and feel.

Quarto integrates with existing workflows and popular tools like Git and GitHub, enabling smooth collaboration and version control, making it an efficient tool for team projects.

The command line interface of Quarto provides a simple and intuitive way to execute various commands, such as creating new notebooks, converting between formats, and rendering final output files.

Quarto is built on open-source technologies and actively maintained by a community of developers. The project is hosted on GitHub, making it easily accessible for contributions and issue tracking.

Overall, Quarto is a versatile and powerful command line tool that empowers users to create, share, and publish documents and websites with ease, while incorporating code and data seamlessly.

List of commands for quarto:

  • quarto:tldr:22f61 quarto: Publish a document or project to Quarto Pub, Github Pages, RStudio Connect or Netlify.
    $ quarto publish ${select}
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    explain this command
  • quarto:tldr:7b5e4 quarto: Render input file(s) to different formats.
    $ quarto render ${select}}} --to ${select1}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • quarto:tldr:9c494 quarto: Create a new project.
    $ quarto create-project ${path-to-destination_directory} --type ${select}
    try on your machine
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  • quarto:tldr:c6098 quarto: Create a new blog website.
    $ quarto create-project ${path-to-destination_directory} --type ${website} --template ${blog}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • quarto:tldr:d9547 quarto: Render and preview a document or a website.
    $ quarto preview ${select}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview