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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool quit. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "quit" is a built-in command in many operating systems and programming languages.

  1. It is used to exit or terminate the currently running program or shell session.
  2. "quit" is often used to gracefully close applications, freeing up system resources.
  3. It is typically triggered by typing "quit" or "exit" followed by the Enter key in the command line interface.
  4. When executed, "quit" stops the program execution and returns the control to the parent process or shell.
  5. The tool can be used to close command line interpreters, text editors, and other interactive programs.
  6. It is frequently used during software development, debugging, or running scripts and batch jobs.
  7. In some cases, the "quit" command may prompt the user for confirmation before terminating the program.
  8. It is essential to exit programs properly to ensure any necessary cleanup operations can be performed, such as closing open files or releasing network connections.
  9. The behavior of the "quit" command can vary depending on the operating system and programming language being used.
  10. It is a fundamental command line tool that helps users manage and control the execution of programs efficiently.

List of commands for quit:

tool overview