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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool r. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "r" is a program that allows you to execute R scripts, interact with the R language, and perform various data analysis and statistical computations from the command line interface.

R is a widely-used programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It provides a comprehensive collection of built-in functions and packages for data manipulation, visualization, statistical modeling, and machine learning.

With the "r" command line tool, you can execute R scripts and run R commands directly from the command line. This is useful for automating data analysis tasks, running R code as part of a larger script or pipeline, or performing repetitive tasks without requiring an interactive R session.

The "r" command line tool provides options to specify input and output files, control the execution environment, set various R options, and pass arguments to the R script or command. It allows you to capture the output of the R code and redirect it to a file or pipe it to another command, enabling seamless integration with other command line tools.

Overall, the "r" command line tool is a convenient and powerful utility for executing R code, enabling you to leverage the flexibility and capabilities of R in a command line environment.

List of commands for r:

  • clifm:tldr:3f5ff clifm: Remove the previously selected files (use `t` to send the files to the recycle bin instead).
    $ r sel
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • gpg-tui:tldr:4b43b gpg-tui: Refresh `gpg-tui`.
    $ r
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview