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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool rankmirrors. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "rankmirrors" command line tool is a utility found in Arch Linux, a popular Linux distribution. It is used to rank the available mirrors based on their download speeds.

The tool assists users in selecting the fastest and most reliable mirror to download package updates and software from. It generates a ranked list of mirrors based on their response times.

The ranking takes into consideration a variety of factors, such as the geographical location of the mirrors and their connectivity. It aims to provide users with a mirror that offers the optimal download speed for their location.

By using "rankmirrors," Arch Linux users can update their system or install new software more efficiently, as selecting a mirror with a faster response time significantly improves download speeds.

The output of "rankmirrors" can be redirected to a configuration file, allowing users to update their mirror list automatically. This ensures that users always have an up-to-date list of the fastest and most reliable mirrors.

Overall, "rankmirrors" simplifies the process of finding and selecting the best mirrors for Arch Linux users, enhancing the overall experience of managing and updating their systems.

List of commands for rankmirrors:

  • rankmirrors:tldr:104f0 rankmirrors: Output only a given number of the top ranking servers.
    $ rankmirrors -n ${number} ${-etc-pacman-d-mirrorlist}
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  • rankmirrors:tldr:19cdb rankmirrors: Output only the response times instead of a full mirrorlist.
    $ rankmirrors --times ${-etc-pacman-d-mirrorlist}
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  • rankmirrors:tldr:5b40c rankmirrors: Test only a specific URL.
    $ rankmirrors --url ${url}
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  • rankmirrors:tldr:819df rankmirrors: Rank a mirror list.
    $ rankmirrors ${-etc-pacman-d-mirrorlist}
    try on your machine
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  • rankmirrors:tldr:9e1a7 rankmirrors: Be verbose when generating the mirrorlist.
    $ rankmirrors -v ${-etc-pacman-d-mirrorlist}
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tool overview