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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool rapper. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Rapper is a command line tool used for parsing and manipulating RDF data. It is part of the Redland RDF library, a popular collection of libraries and tools for working with RDF. With Rapper, you can perform various operations on RDF files, such as parsing, converting, querying, and validating the data. It supports multiple RDF syntaxes including RDF/XML, Turtle, N-Triples, N-Quads, and more. Rapper provides a simple method to read and write RDF data, making it a useful tool for developers, researchers, and anyone working with RDF. It can also generate error and warning messages related to the RDF data being processed. Rapper's command line interface allows it to be easily integrated into scripts and automated workflows. It includes options for controlling the output format, allowing you to customize the generated output based on your requirements. Rapper can be used to convert RDF data from one syntax to another, making it convenient for data integration and interoperability. Overall, Rapper is a versatile command line tool that simplifies working with RDF data by providing a range of features and functionalities.

List of commands for rapper:

  • rapper:tldr:1e996 rapper: Convert an RDF/XML document to Turtle.
    $ rapper -i rdfxml -o turtle ${filename}
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  • rapper:tldr:3685d rapper: Count the number of triples in a Turtle file.
    $ rapper -i turtle -c ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview