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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool rdfind. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


rdfind is a command line tool that helps in finding and removing duplicate files in a directory tree. It is primarily designed for use with RDF (Resource Description Framework) databases. The tool uses a hash function to compute cryptographic file hashes, which enables it to efficiently compare files and identify duplicates.

rdfind has several useful features such as recursive scanning, real-time progress updates, and the ability to handle large file collections. It supports different file types, including regular files, symbolic links, and device files. The tool also allows advanced filtering options to exclude specific file types or directories from the scanning process.

One of the notable features of rdfind is its ability to provide multiple merge options for duplicate files, such as linking or moving duplicates to a separate directory. This flexibility allows users to easily customize and control the deduplication process according to their specific requirements.

rdfind provides output in a structured manner, showing a summary of duplicate files, the space saved by removing duplicates, and a detailed report. This information can be helpful for analyzing the impact of the deduplication process and managing disk space efficiently.

The tool is available on various platforms, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. It has a simple and intuitive command line interface, making it easy to use and integrate into existing scripts or workflows.

Overall, rdfind is a powerful and versatile command line tool for finding and managing duplicate files, effectively reducing disk usage and improving file organization.

List of commands for rdfind:

  • rdfind:tldr:13a84 rdfind: Replace all duplicates with hardlinks.
    $ rdfind -makehardlinks true ${path-to-directory}
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  • rdfind:tldr:526dc rdfind: Delete all duplicates and do not ignore empty files.
    $ rdfind -deleteduplicates true -ignoreempty false ${path-to-directory}
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  • rdfind:tldr:9b0be rdfind: Replace all duplicates with symlinks/soft links.
    $ rdfind -makesymlinks true ${path-to-directory}
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  • rdfind:tldr:bc3f7 rdfind: Identify all duplicates in a given directory and output a summary.
    $ rdfind -dryrun true ${path-to-directory}
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