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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool readpe. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "readpe" command line tool is a powerful utility used for analyzing and extracting information from Portable Executable (PE) files. PE files are binary file formats primarily used in Microsoft Windows to store executable code, DLLs, and object code. This tool allows users to gain insights into the internal structure of PE files by providing a detailed analysis of headers, sections, imports, exports, resources, and other important attributes. It can be particularly helpful for security analysts, malware researchers, and software developers. By using the "readpe" command line tool, users can easily navigate through the PE file structure, extract relevant information, and perform static analysis on the contents. It simplifies the process of understanding and interpreting PE files, making it an essential tool for anyone working with Windows executables.

List of commands for readpe:

  • readpe:tldr:188cb readpe: List all imported functions.
    $ readpe --imports ${path-to-executable}
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  • readpe:tldr:4db04 readpe: Display all information about a PE file.
    $ readpe ${path-to-executable}
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  • readpe:tldr:97446 readpe: Display a specific header from a PE file.
    $ readpe --header ${select} ${path-to-executable}
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  • readpe:tldr:c5448 readpe: Display all the headers present in a PE file.
    $ readpe --all-headers ${path-to-executable}
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  • readpe:tldr:d4cee readpe: Display all the sections present in a PE file.
    $ readpe --all-sections ${path-to-executable}
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  • readpe:tldr:e084b readpe: List all exported functions.
    $ readpe --exports ${path-to-executable}
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tool overview