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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool reflector. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Reflector is a command line tool used in the field of computer programming and software development. It is primarily used for analyzing and reverse engineering .NET assemblies. At its core, Reflector allows developers to decompile and inspect compiled code, providing insights into its structure, functionality, and implementation details. The tool supports multiple programming languages and is particularly popular in .NET development communities.

Using Reflector, developers can explore the internal workings of a compiled assembly, including classes, methods, properties, and other elements. They can review the original source code, view intermediate language (IL) code, and analyze dependencies between different components. Reflector also facilitates code navigation, enabling developers to easily jump between various parts of the assembly and gather a comprehensive understanding of the system.

In addition to decompiling and inspecting code, Reflector offers features like the ability to analyze obfuscated assemblies, debug and trace code execution, and integrate with other development environments and tools. It provides a rich set of functionalities that aid in understanding, troubleshooting, and extending existing software systems.

Reflector has been widely utilized by developers, security researchers, and educators to study and learn from existing applications, understand third-party libraries, uncover vulnerabilities, and discover best practices in software development. It has become an essential tool in the .NET ecosystem, contributing to improved code quality, efficient debugging, and increased productivity among developers.

List of commands for reflector:

  • reflector:tldr:56139 reflector: Only get German HTTPS mirrors.
    $ reflector --country ${Germany} --protocol ${https}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • reflector:tldr:80061 reflector: Get all mirrors, sort for download speed and save them.
    $ sudo reflector --sort ${rate} --save ${-etc-pacman-d-mirrorlist}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • reflector:tldr:bab5f reflector: Only get the 10 recently sync'd mirrors.
    $ reflector --latest ${10}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview