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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool register_new_matrix_user. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "register_new_matrix_user" is a utility used in the Matrix communication protocol. It allows administrators or users to create new user accounts on a Matrix homeserver via the command line interface. To register a new user, one needs to provide the homeserver URL, an administrator access token, and the desired username and password for the new account.

Once the command is executed, the tool communicates with the homeserver API to perform the registration process. It sends a request containing the necessary information and awaits a response from the server. If the registration is successful, the new user account will be created on the Matrix homeserver.

The "register_new_matrix_user" command line tool offers a convenient way to automate user registration for administrators managing a Matrix homeserver. It streamlines the process of creating new accounts without relying on a graphical interface.

It is important to note that this command line tool is specific to Matrix and not universally applicable to other communication protocols or platforms.

List of commands for register_new_matrix_user:

  • register_new_matrix_user:tldr:55917 register_new_matrix_user: Create an admin user interactively.
    $ register_new_matrix_user --config ${path-to-homeserver-yaml} --admin
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • register_new_matrix_user:tldr:aeae6 register_new_matrix_user: Create an admin user non-interactively (not recommended).
    $ register_new_matrix_user --config ${path-to-homeserver-yaml} --user ${username} --password ${password} --admin
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • register_new_matrix_user:tldr:c4569 register_new_matrix_user: Create a user interactively.
    $ register_new_matrix_user --config ${path-to-homeserver-yaml}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview