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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool reportbug. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Reportbug is a command-line tool in Linux-based operating systems designed for reporting bugs in software packages. It helps users to easily submit bug reports to the appropriate bug tracking systems. The tool provides a user-friendly interface for creating and managing bug reports.

Reportbug allows users to automatically gather relevant information about the system's configuration, installed packages, and log files, which can be attached to the bug report. This information assists developers in replicating and resolving the reported issues effectively.

The tool integrates with different bug tracking systems, including Debian's Bug Tracking System (BTS) and the Debian Package Tracking System (PTS). Users can choose the appropriate bug tracking system based on the software package they are reporting bugs against.

Reportbug supports both interactive and non-interactive modes of operation. In interactive mode, users are guided through a series of prompts to provide necessary information about the bug, while in non-interactive mode, the bug report can be generated directly from the command line.

The tool also helps users monitor and manage their bug reports. It allows users to keep track of the status of their reported bugs, receive notifications on updates, and interact with the bug tracking systems to add additional information or comment on existing bug reports.

By offering a streamlined and efficient process for reporting and managing bugs, reportbug contributes to improving the overall stability and quality of software packages in Linux-based operating systems.

List of commands for reportbug:

  • reportbug:tldr:02810 reportbug: Report a bug that is not about a specific package (general problem, infrastructure, etc.).
    $ reportbug other
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • reportbug:tldr:45ce8 reportbug: Write the bug report to a file instead of sending it by e-mail.
    $ reportbug -o ${filename} ${package}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • reportbug:tldr:d81ec reportbug: Generate a bug report about a specific package, then send it by e-mail.
    $ reportbug ${package}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview