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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool resolvectl. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


resolvectl is a command line tool used for managing the DNS resolver configuration on Linux systems. It is available in recent versions of the systemd network management suite.

With resolvectl, you can view, modify, and troubleshoot DNS resolver settings in a convenient and efficient manner. It provides various commands and options to interact with the resolver configuration.

One of the main features of resolvectl is the ability to view the current DNS configuration. The "status" command displays the active DNS setup, including the DNS servers being used, the search domains, and any DNSSEC-related information.

Additionally, resolvectl allows you to modify the DNS configuration. You can add or remove DNS servers, change the search domains, and enable or disable DNSSEC validation using the appropriate commands and options.

The tool also provides a way to monitor the DNS resolver by enabling the "record" mode. This mode captures DNS queries and responses, helping you analyze the resolver behavior and identify any potential issues.

Furthermore, resolvectl offers integration with the system's network manager, making it easy to manage DNS settings alongside network configuration.

Overall, resolvectl simplifies the management and troubleshooting of DNS resolver settings on Linux systems with its comprehensive set of commands and options.

List of commands for resolvectl:

  • resolvectl:tldr:0e874 resolvectl: Retrieve an MX record of a domain.
    $ resolvectl --legend=${no} --type=${MX} query ${domain}
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  • resolvectl:tldr:44286 resolvectl: Retrieve the public key from an email address from an OPENPGPKEY DNS record.
    $ resolvectl openpgp ${email}
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  • resolvectl:tldr:4b023 resolvectl: Resolve an SRV record, for example _xmpp-server._tcp
    $ resolvectl service _${service}._${protocol} ${name}
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  • resolvectl:tldr:68f9a resolvectl: Retrieve the domain of a specified IP address.
    $ resolvectl query ${ip_address}
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  • resolvectl:tldr:f2671 resolvectl: Show DNS settings.
    $ resolvectl status
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  • resolvectl:tldr:f2ca3 resolvectl: Retrieve a TLS key.
    $ resolvectl tlsa tcp ${domain}:443
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