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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool restic. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Restic is an open-source command line tool for backing up and restoring data. It is designed to be fast, efficient, and secure. Restic supports various backends, including local storage, SFTP, and cloud providers such as Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.

One of the key features of Restic is its deduplication capability, which ensures that only unique data chunks are stored, optimizing storage usage. It also supports incremental backups, meaning only the changed parts of files are backed up, making subsequent backups quicker.

Restic uses strong cryptography to encrypt data before it leaves the machine, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of the backups. It also generates and stores cryptographic hashes for each data chunk, allowing for easy verification of data consistency.

The tool provides a simple and intuitive interface, allowing users to easily define backup sources, destinations, and other options through the command line. It also supports various advanced features, such as snapshot management, backup verification, and restoring from specific snapshots.

Restic is written in Go, making it cross-platform and easily installable on multiple operating systems. It has an active and responsive community of developers and users, ensuring continuous development and support.

With Restic, users can create automated backup scripts, schedule backups, and integrate it with other tools to enhance their backup workflows. It is well-suited for both personal and professional use, offering flexibility and reliability for data backup and restore operations.

List of commands for restic:

  • restic:tldr:2688d restic: Restore a specific path from a specific backup to a target directory.
    $ restic --repo ${path-to-repository} restore ${snapshot_id} --target ${path-to-target} --include ${path-to-restore}
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  • restic:tldr:3ee27 restic: Restore a specific backup snapshot to a target directory.
    $ restic --repo ${path-to-repository} restore ${select} --target ${path-to-target}
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  • restic:tldr:4af82 restic: Initialize a backup repository in the specified local directory.
    $ restic init --repo ${path-to-repository}
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  • restic:tldr:bc752 restic: Backup a directory to the repository.
    $ restic --repo ${path-to-repository} backup ${path-to-directory}
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  • restic:tldr:d1f1d restic: Clean up the repository and keep only the most recent snapshot of each unique backup.
    $ restic forget --keep-last 1 --prune
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  • restic:tldr:f0235 restic: Show backup snapshots currently stored in the repository.
    $ restic --repo ${path-to-repository} snapshots
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tool overview