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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool rhash. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Rhash is a command line tool used for computing and verifying hash sums of files. It is designed to support a wide range of hash functions including CRC32, MD4, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, and many others. This tool can be used on various operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Rhash offers a simple yet powerful command line interface, making it suitable for both casual and advanced users. It supports recursive hashing of directories, allowing you to calculate hash sums for a whole directory of files at once. Additionally, Rhash can create and verify SFV (Simple File Verification) and BSD-style checksum files.

One interesting feature of Rhash is its ability to compare hash sums with those stored in various hash list formats such as Magnet links, ed2k links, and BitTorrent .torrent files. This enables the tool to verify file integrity when downloading files through P2P networks.

Rhash is highly efficient and can process files in parallel, taking advantage of multi-core processors. It provides detailed output for every file, allowing users to easily identify and track the progress of hash calculations or verifications.

The tool is actively maintained and open-source, which means it is continuously improved and updated by its community of developers. Rhash is available in both command line and graphical user interface versions. Additionally, there are libraries and bindings available for integration with other software projects.

Overall, Rhash is a versatile and reliable command line tool for computing and verifying hash sums, making it an essential utility for digital security and integrity verification tasks.

List of commands for rhash:

  • rhash:tldr:006cc rhash: Calculate the SHA3 digest of a text message.
    $ rhash --sha3-256 --message '${message}'
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  • rhash:tldr:354ce rhash: Use custom output template.
    $ rhash --printf '${%p\t%s\t%{mtime}\t%m\n}' ${filename}
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  • rhash:tldr:6f626 rhash: Recursively process a directory to generate an SFV file using SHA1.
    $ rhash --sha1 --recursive ${path-to-folder} > ${path-to-output-sfv}
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  • rhash:tldr:d23f7 rhash: Calculate default CRC32 digests of a file.
    $ rhash ${filename}
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  • rhash:tldr:f12a3 rhash: Calculate CRC32 digest of a file and output digest encoded in base64 using BSD format.
    $ rhash --base64 --bsd ${filename}
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  • rhash:tldr:f7d9b rhash: Verify the integrity of files based on an SFV file.
    $ rhash --check ${filename-sfv}
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tool overview