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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool rich. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Rich is a powerful command line tool for enhancing the visual appeal of the terminal output. It is primarily designed for Python developers but can be used with any command line application. With Rich, developers can create beautiful and interactive text-based user interfaces, logs, and progress bars. The tool offers a wide range of formatting options including colors, styles, and emojis, thereby making the output visually appealing and easier to read. Rich also supports features like syntax highlighting, making code snippets stand out. Developers can even add images to the output, such as displaying a logo or a graph. It supports various output formats including terminal, HTML, and Markdown. Rich is extensible and can be integrated into existing projects easily. It is actively maintained, open-source, and has a vibrant community contributing to its development and providing support.

List of commands for rich:

  • rich:tldr:09363 rich: Export a file as HTML.
    $ rich ${filename-md} --export-html ${filename-html}
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  • rich:tldr:1a6c4 rich: Display a file in an interactive pager.
    $ rich ${filename-py} --pager
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  • rich:tldr:20cd0 rich: Display contents from a URL.
    $ rich ${https:--raw-githubusercontent-com-Textualize-rich-cli-main-README-md} --markdown --pager
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  • rich:tldr:38de4 rich: Add line numbers, and indentation guides.
    $ rich ${filename-py} --line-number --guides
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  • rich:tldr:3c577 rich: Apply a theme.
    $ rich ${filename-py} --theme ${monokai}
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  • rich:tldr:54127 rich: Display text with formatting tags, custom alignment, and line width.
    $ rich --print ${"Hello [green on black]Stylized[-green on black] [bold]World[-bold]"} --${select} --width ${10}
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  • rich:tldr:a971f rich: Display a file with syntax highlighting.
    $ rich ${filename-py}
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tool overview