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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool rmvirtualenv. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "rmvirtualenv" command line tool is used to remove a virtual environment in Python. It is typically used with the virtualenv package for creating and managing virtual environments.

  1. The tool is specifically designed for removing virtual environments, as the name suggests.
  2. It is part of the virtualenvwrapper package, which provides a set of commands for managing virtual environments more easily.
  3. The tool is used by specifying the name of the virtual environment as the argument to the command.
  4. It removes the entire directory containing the virtual environment, along with all its files and subdirectories.
  5. Before removing the virtual environment, the tool deactivates it if it is currently active.
  6. The tool can be used on any operating system that supports Python and virtual environments.
  7. It is commonly used in development workflows to clean up and remove virtual environments that are no longer needed.
  8. The command line tool is executed in the terminal or command prompt, making it convenient to use for developers.
  9. It helps in keeping the environment clean and removing unnecessary dependencies or configurations.
  10. The tool is considered safe as it does not affect any other virtual environments or system-level installations of Python.

List of commands for rmvirtualenv:

tool overview