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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool robo. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Robo is a command line tool that is known for its simplicity and flexibility. It is written in Python and aims to automate various tasks and workflows.

One key feature of Robo is its ability to create tasks which are small, reusable units of work. These tasks can be easily composed to build more complex automation workflows.

Robo utilizes a configuration file called "RoboFile.php" which defines the tasks and their associated commands. This provides a clean and organized structure for managing automation scripts.

Another notable aspect of Robo is its extensive library of built-in tasks. These tasks cover a wide range of needs such as file manipulation, version control management, database operations, and more.

Robo supports task execution in parallel, allowing multiple tasks to run simultaneously, which can significantly improve overall automation speed.

It provides helpful features like dry-run mode, where the tasks are simulated without making any actual changes, aiding in testing and debugging automation workflows.

Robo also supports command line autocompletion which makes it easy to discover and use available tasks and their options.

It has a plugin system that allows users to extend its functionality by creating custom tasks or integrating with third-party tools.

Robo encourages best practices by providing a way to define task dependencies, ensuring that tasks are executed in the correct order.

Error handling is well-supported in Robo, with features like task failure detection and the ability to define custom error handlers.

Overall, Robo is a powerful and user-friendly command line tool that simplifies automation by providing a scalable and extensible framework for managing tasks and workflows.

List of commands for robo:

tool overview