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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool rpcinfo. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


rpcinfo is a command line tool used in Unix-like operating systems to query information about RPC (Remote Procedure Call) services on a network. It allows users to enumerate and retrieve details of the RPC services available on a specific host.

By default, when run without any arguments, rpcinfo will display a list of registered RPC programs on the local machine. It provides information such as program number, version number, transport protocols supported, and the port number associated with each program.

When provided with a hostname or IP address as an argument, rpcinfo can query RPC services on a remote machine, allowing users to obtain information about RPC programs running across a network.

With the '-p' option, rpcinfo can display the registered programs on remote machines in a shorter format, showing only the program number and version number.

Rpcinfo can also be used with the '-s' option to display a summary of RPC services on the local machine, giving a count of registered RPC programs categorized by their program numbers.

Additionally, rpcinfo supports the '-u' option to query UDP-based services, '-t' for TCP-based services, and '-b' to query both TCP and UDP. These options help users to retrieve specific information based on the transport protocols used by RPC programs.

List of commands for rpcinfo:

  • rpcinfo:tldr:208d4 rpcinfo: Show full table of all RPC services registered on localhost.
    $ rpcinfo
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • rpcinfo:tldr:29486 rpcinfo: Show concise table of all RPC services registered on localhost.
    $ rpcinfo -s ${localhost}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • rpcinfo:tldr:5076c rpcinfo: Call a specific program on a remote computer using TCP.
    $ rpcinfo /t ${computer_name} ${program_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • rpcinfo:tldr:86073 rpcinfo: Delete the registration for version 1 of the mountd service for all transports.
    $ rpcinfo -d ${mountd} ${1}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • rpcinfo:tldr:8de10 rpcinfo: List all programs registered on a remote computer.
    $ rpcinfo /p ${computer_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • rpcinfo:tldr:d05bd rpcinfo: Display list of entries of given service name (mountd) and version number (2) on a remote nfs share.
    $ rpcinfo -l ${remote_nfs_server_ip} ${mountd} ${2}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • rpcinfo:tldr:d3d1b rpcinfo: Display table of statistics of rpcbind operations on localhost.
    $ rpcinfo -m
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • rpcinfo:tldr:f9b05 rpcinfo: Call a specific program on a remote computer using UDP.
    $ rpcinfo /u ${computer_name} ${program_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview