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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool rspamc. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Rspamc is a powerful command-line tool used for interacting with the Rspamd spam filtering system. It is a client tool that allows users to send requests and receive responses from the Rspamd server. The tool acts as a bridge between the user and the server, enabling various operations related to spam filtering.

Rspamc supports a wide range of commands, such as sending messages to the Rspamd server for scanning, querying the bayes engine for statistical information, and managing the learning process for the spam filter. It also provides options to display the status of the server, get the list of symbols associated with a message, and request detailed research and statistical data.

The tool is designed to be versatile and customizable, allowing users to configure various options to suit their needs. It utilizes the Rspamd protocol for communication, ensuring efficient and secure data transfer between the client and the server.

Rspamc is commonly used by system administrators, email service providers, and those who want to have fine-grained control over their spam filtering process. It can be integrated into scripts and automation workflows, providing an easily accessible and reliable method for interacting with the Rspamd system.

Overall, Rspamc offers a command-line interface to leverage the capabilities of the Rspamd spam filtering system, making it a valuable tool for managing and monitoring spam filtering operations.

List of commands for rspamc:

  • rspamc:tldr:1c930 rspamc: Show server statistics.
    $ rspamc stat
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  • rspamc:tldr:7626c rspamc: Generate a manual report on an email.
    $ rspamc symbols ${path-to-email_file}
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  • rspamc:tldr:836db rspamc: Train the bayesian filter to recognise an email as ham.
    $ rspamc learn_ham ${path-to-email_file}
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tool overview