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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool rtl_sdr. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


rtl_sdr is a command line tool used to capture and decode data from software-defined radios (SDRs) that use a Realtek RTL2832U chipset. It allows users to interact with various types of SDR hardware, including popular USB dongles.

The tool supports a wide range of frequencies, from the low-frequency bands up to the gigahertz range, making it versatile for many applications. It supports both receive and transmission modes, enabling users to not only capture signals but also transmit their own.

rtl_sdr provides real-time streaming capabilities, allowing users to monitor signals and visualize them using applications like GQRX or SDR#. It also provides the option to save captured data to a file for offline analysis.

The tool offers numerous advanced features, such as the ability to set gain levels, adjust frequency offsets, apply filters, and enable automatic gain control (AGC) for optimizing signal quality.

rtl_sdr supports multiple demodulation modes, including AM, FM, NFM, WFM, LSB, USB, CW, and DSB, allowing users to decode and listen to various types of analog and digital signals.

With third-party software, rtl_sdr can also serve as a spectrum analyzer, allowing users to visualize the frequency spectrum and identify signals within a given frequency range.

The tool has a large and active user community who have developed numerous scripts, plugins, and applications that extend its functionality. These include tools for decoding digital audio modes, tracking aircraft using ADS-B signals, analyzing wireless protocols, and more.

rtl_sdr is open-source software and runs on Windows, Linux, macOS, and other platforms, making it accessible to a wide range of users. Its source code is available on GitHub for further customization and contribution.

Overall, rtl_sdr is a powerful and flexible command line tool for interacting with RTL-SDR devices, providing extensive capabilities for signal reception, decoding, visualization, and analysis.

List of commands for rtl_sdr:

  • rtl_sdr:tldr:3978e rtl_sdr: Save RAW data from a frequency (specified in Hz) to a file.
    $ rtl_sdr -f ${100000000} ${filename}
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  • rtl_sdr:tldr:8d829 rtl_sdr: Specify the sample rate in Hz (ranges 225001-300000 and 900001-3200000).
    $ rtl_sdr -f ${100000000} -s ${2400000} -
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  • rtl_sdr:tldr:a7e6a rtl_sdr: Read a specified number of samples.
    $ rtl_sdr -f ${100000000} -n ${20} -
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  • rtl_sdr:tldr:cd8f7 rtl_sdr: Specify the output block size.
    $ rtl_sdr -f ${100000000} -b ${9999999} -
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  • rtl_sdr:tldr:dc72a rtl_sdr: Specify the gain.
    $ rtl_sdr -f ${100000000} -g ${20} -
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  • rtl_sdr:tldr:e3232 rtl_sdr: Specify the device by its index.
    $ rtl_sdr -f ${100000000} -d ${0} -
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  • rtl_sdr:tldr:f4f38 rtl_sdr: Use synchronous output.
    $ rtl_sdr -f ${100000000} -S -
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