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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool runsv. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Runsv is a command line tool commonly found in Unix-like operating systems such as Linux. It is a part of the runit service supervision suite, which provides a simple and reliable way to manage and monitor system services.

  1. Runsv is responsible for launching and monitoring individual services or programs on a system.
  2. It acts as a supervisor, ensuring that the specified processes are always running and restarting them if necessary.
  3. Runsv is typically used for managing services that run in the background, such as network daemons or system processes.
  4. It operates by reading configuration data from a directory called "service directories."
  5. Each service directory contains a run script that defines how the service should be started and stopped.
  6. Runsv monitors the service directory and executes the run script when the service needs to be started.
  7. If the service crashes or terminates unexpectedly, runsv will automatically restart it based on the defined restart policy.
  8. Runsv provides a clean and efficient way of managing services, avoiding the need for complex init systems.
  9. It is known for its simplicity, lightweight design, and reliability.
  10. Runsv is often used in conjunction with other tools, like runit's sv command, to control and manage services effectively.

List of commands for runsv:

  • runsv:tldr:e9d41 runsv: Start a runit service as the current user.
    $ runsv ${path-to-service}
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