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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool runsvchdir. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Runsvchdir is a command line tool that is primarily used in Unix-like operating systems. It stands for "run service directory." This tool is responsible for managing the execution of services from a specific directory. It ensures that services stored in a directory are run as daemons, which are background processes that run independently of user interaction.

Runsvchdir takes a directory path as an argument and then runs all the services located in that directory as daemons. It is commonly used in systems with runit service supervision software, as it complements its functionality.

The tool continuously monitors the specified directory for any changes, such as new services being added or existing ones being modified. Upon detecting any changes, it automatically starts or restarts the services accordingly.

Runsvchdir also has the capability to log the output generated by the executed services. It captures both the standard output and standard error streams and stores them as log files, which can be useful for debugging and monitoring purposes.

Users can customize the behavior of runsvchdir through various configuration options. They can define the service timeout, control the maximum number of service instances, manage logging levels, and more.

As a command line tool, runsvchdir can be used in scripts and automated processes to ensure the reliable execution of services. It simplifies service management by automating the process and reducing human intervention.

Runsvchdir is often utilized in server environments, where running services as daemons is essential for ensuring high availability and reliability.

Overall, runsvchdir provides a convenient way to organize and manage services in a directory, making it a valuable tool for system administrators and developers working with Unix-like systems.

List of commands for runsvchdir:

tool overview