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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool runsvdir. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


runsvdir is a command line tool that forms a crucial part of the daemontools package. It runs as a background process and provides supervision and management capabilities for other processes. runsvdir reads a directory specified as an argument and monitors all subdirectories within it for services to supervise. These services are typically structured as individual subdirectories, each containing a service's run script.

Once runsvdir starts, it scans the specified directory and starts a runsv process for each service it finds. Each runsv process then executes the service's run script, creating and managing the service as a child process. If the service crashes or exits, runsvdir automatically restarts it.

One notable aspect of runsvdir is its simplicity; it has a small codebase and is designed to perform its core task efficiently. It provides robust and reliable supervision, ensuring that services under its control are continuously running. The tool is widely used in various scenarios, particularly for managing and monitoring critical system processes such as network services, web servers, and databases.

runsvdir has proven to be a reliable and stable tool, making it an essential component in many production environments. It is particularly popular within the Unix and Linux communities due to its effectiveness and ease of use. runsvdir brings a level of automation and fault tolerance by ensuring that important processes are always running, reducing the need for manual intervention or monitoring. Overall, runsvdir is a vital tool for maintaining the health and availability of critical system services.

List of commands for runsvdir:

  • runsvdir:tldr:13775 runsvdir: Start services in separate sessions.
    $ runsvdir -P ${path-to-services}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • runsvdir:tldr:7ff66 runsvdir: Start and manage all services in a directory as the current user.
    $ runsvdir ${path-to-services}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview