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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool samtools. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Samtools is a powerful command line tool for manipulating high-throughput sequencing data in the SAM (Sequence Alignment/Map) and BAM (Binary Alignment/Map) formats. It was developed to efficiently handle large sequencing datasets and is widely used in genomics research and analysis. Samtools provides various functionalities such as sorting, indexing, merging, and manipulating sequence alignments and variant calling data. It can convert between different file formats, extract specific regions of interest from the genome, and generate statistics about the alignment data. Samtools also includes tools for calling and analyzing single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and insertions and deletions (indels) from aligned sequencing data. The software supports parallel processing, allowing for faster execution on multi-core or multi-processor systems. Samtools includes a comprehensive set of commands and options for customization and fine-tuning of analysis pipelines. It is widely compatible with other bioinformatics tools and can be integrated into larger workflows. Samtools is an open-source project with regular updates and a large community of users, providing ongoing support and development. Overall, samtools is an essential tool for processing and analyzing sequencing data, enabling researchers to extract meaningful insights from their genomic datasets.

List of commands for samtools:

  • samtools:tldr:0f0c3 samtools: Split input file according to read groups.
    $ samtools split ${merged_input}
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  • samtools:tldr:14572 samtools: Merge multiple files.
    $ samtools merge ${output} ${input1 input2 …}
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  • samtools:tldr:21f3a samtools: Print alignment statistics about a file.
    $ samtools flagstat ${sorted_input}
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  • samtools:tldr:50b74 samtools: Count alignments to each index (chromosome / contig).
    $ samtools idxstats ${sorted_indexed_input}
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  • samtools:tldr:8b455 samtools: Sort file and save to BAM (the output format is automatically determined from the output file's extension).
    $ samtools sort ${input} -o ${output-bam}
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  • samtools:tldr:9a477 samtools: Index a sorted BAM file (creates {{sorted_input.bam.bai}}).
    $ samtools index ${sorted_input-bam}
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  • samtools:tldr:daa86 samtools: Convert a SAM input file to BAM stream and save to file.
    $ samtools view -S -b ${input-sam} > ${output-bam}
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