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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool sccmap. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


sccmap is a command line tool used for analyzing and understanding the structure of .NET assemblies. It helps in identifying dependencies and provides a visual representation of the relationships between assemblies.

One of the key features of sccmap is its ability to detect dependencies using static code analysis. It recursively explores all code paths within an assembly to identify the other assemblies it depends on.

sccmap generates a graph-based representation of the dependencies, which can be exported in various formats such as GraphML, DOT, or JSON. These graphs can then be visualized using tools like Gephi or Graphviz.

The tool also supports filtering of dependencies, allowing you to focus on specific types or assemblies of interest. This can be useful when analyzing large codebases with numerous dependencies.

By analyzing the dependencies, sccmap can help identify potential code or architecture issues, such as cyclic dependencies or missing references.

Additionally, sccmap provides information about the assembly's metadata, including the types, namespaces, and members it contains. This can be helpful for understanding the structure of an assembly without actually requiring the source code.

The tool is extensible and supports plugins, allowing users to add custom analysis and visualization capabilities.

sccmap is written in C# and can be used on Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms. It is open source and actively maintained on GitHub, making it accessible for customization and contribution from the community.

Overall, sccmap provides a powerful and flexible approach to analyzing and understanding .NET assemblies and their dependencies, aiding in software maintenance, refactoring, and architectural decision-making processes.

List of commands for sccmap:

  • sccmap:tldr:b14c4 sccmap: Print statistics about a graph, producing no output graph.
    $ sccmap -v -s ${path-to-input1-gv} ${path-to-input2-gv ---}
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  • sccmap:tldr:b2de6 sccmap: Display help for `sccmap`.
    $ sccmap -?
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  • sccmap:tldr:f8339 sccmap: Extract strongly connected components of one or more directed graphs.
    $ sccmap -S ${path-to-input1-gv} ${path-to-input2-gv ---} > ${path-to-output-gv}
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