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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool security. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool in question, security, is a powerful utility that is commonly found in Unix-based operating systems. It provides a wide range of security-related functionalities and features.

Firstly, security allows users to manage user accounts and their access privileges. It enables administrators to create, modify, and delete user accounts, set passwords, and assign various permissions.

Secondly, security also offers tools for managing file and directory permissions. Users can use it to control who can read, write, and execute specific files and directories, ensuring that sensitive information remains secure.

Thirdly, it assists in network security by providing utilities like firewall management. Administrators can use security to configure firewall rules, open or close specific ports, and monitor network traffic.

Fourthly, the tool includes functionality for monitoring system logs and analyzing potential security breaches. It allows administrators to review system log files and detect any suspicious activities or unauthorized access attempts.

Fifthly, security facilitates encryption and decryption of files and messages. It includes cryptographic tools that enable users to encrypt sensitive data using various algorithms, making it unreadable to unauthorized individuals.

Sixthly, the tool can aid in securing remote connections by acting as a client for various secure protocols like SSH (Secure Shell), ensuring that data transmitted over the network remains confidential.

Lastly, the security command line tool provides functionalities for user authentication and password management, allowing administrators to enforce strong password policies and ensure the security of user credentials.

List of commands for security:

  • security:tldr:5ba16 security: Set a certificate to use with a website or [s]ervice by its [c]ommon name (fails if several certificates with the same common name exist).
    $ security set-identity-preference -s ${select} -c "${common_name}" ${filename-keychain}
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  • security:tldr:5f570 security: Add a CA certificate to the per-user Trust Settings.
    $ security add-trusted-cert -k ${path-to-user-keychain-keychain-db} ${path-to-ca-cert_file-pem}
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  • security:tldr:76fa1 security: Create a keychain.
    $ security create-keychain -p ${password} ${filename-keychain}
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  • security:tldr:79eb7 security: Add a certificate from file to a [k]eychain (if -k isn't specified, the default keychain is used).
    $ security add-certificates -k ${file-keychain} ${path-to-cert_file-pem}
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  • security:tldr:7a2c5 security: List all available keychains.
    $ security list-keychains
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  • security:tldr:c788f security: Remove a CA certificate from the per-user Trust Settings.
    $ security remove-trusted-cert ${path-to-ca-cert_file-pem}
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  • security:tldr:d3f75 security: Delete a specific keychain.
    $ security delete-keychain ${filename-keychain}
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tool overview